In Europe, the cold and the rain are already appearing in certain parts of the territory, formalizing the arrival of autumn and making it increasingly necessary to take an umbrella or a raincoat. Fortunately, many smartphones are already splash-proof and They can be used even when it rains.
However, it is vitally important plan carefully what clothes you will leave the house withbecause if you are going to spend the day outside, it is worth dressing warmly to avoid catching a cold or feeling cold. Fortunately, the smartphone may be the best tool for this, as it is the easiest place to look up information about the weather.
Not only this, but Android phones also have a feature through which It’s even possible for the device to alert you about the weather every morning. For them, you’ll just have to use Google Clock, which is the default app for setting alarms on many smartphones.
Your cell phone will tell you if it’s raining
Google’s Clock is one of the company’s best apps on the market, and many manufacturers use it as their default clock. One of its great strengths is that its use can be linked to that of Google routines, automating certain aspects of the alarm.
One of the things that can be done is that the mobile phone offers the user a summary every morning with information about their calendar, the most important news of the day and even a short summary of weather information what is it used for throughout the day. Thanks to this, it is possible to know if it is going to rain every morning before you even get ready to go out. In fact, it is even possible to receive this information directly in text form when the alarm has finished sounding.
Configurar esta función es tan fácil como ir hasta la aplicación de reloj y en la alarma tras la que quieras que el móvil te dé esta información, configurar una rutina de Google Assistant desde este mismo apartado para ello. De la misma forma, también es posible marcar la casilla de información del tiempo, aunque de esta manera solo te aparecerá un indicador para que accedas a la información detallada.
Más allá de esto, siempre queda la posibilidad de consultar una aplicación del tiempo para saber si va a llover el día de hoy o no. En este sentido, hay bastantes posibilidades, pero es cierto que recibí la información directamente desde Google Assistant puede ser el método más cómodo.