"Star Wars 9": Animated Video Shows Alternative Story Of "Destiny Duel"

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"Star Wars 9": Animated Video Shows Alternative Story Of "Destiny Duel"

9quot, alternative, animated, Duelquot, quotDestiny, quotStar, shows, story, Video, Wars

The final looks like this

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Reading time: Two minutes

It turns out that "Star Wars: Rise of the Skywalker" is almost completely different. Director Colin Trevorrow has created another Skywalker legendary ending called "Duel of Destiny". A video now shows what Star Wars 9 looks like.

Star Wars: Also in Duel of Destiny, Kylo and Rey compete with each other

Star Wars: Kylo and Rey compete with each other in Destiny (Source: TMDB.org)

Many Star Wars fans agree: "The Rise of Skywalker" is a shame for a long series of science fiction novels. "Star Wars: The Last Jedi" has been criticized by many viewers (wrong!), But JJ Abrams's finale on Skywalker's legend is so desperate for everyone, and almost nobody ends like it. There were rumors soon that Disney Abrams deliberately made the Star Wars movie as bad as possible to damage Abrams's reputation because he was very Fast forward to the Warner Bros. contest.

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Reports of script changes and extensive re-shooting during the film reinforced what many have said: "Star Wars 9: The Rise of Skywalker" destroyed the space legend in the last few meters. Ray, there is no turning back now Palpatine "Skywalker" is now a classic, but director Colin Trevorrow's ninth episode alternative to "Star Wars" has made fans dream of another ending to the film series.

Trevorrow, titled "Duel of the Fate," originally produced episode 9 until he was replaced from Disney and J.J. Abrams. After the concept map of the final version of Trevorrow originally entered the Internet, the script of "Duel of Destiny" soon entered the Internet. YouTuber "Mr. Sunday Film" read the script and retells the story designed by Trevorrow in an animated video.

In less than 6 minutes, we experienced the "If …?" Version of episode 9, which would, in other cases, represent the ending of the "Skywalker" legend. In fact, it soon became clear that Trevorrow's idea was a completely different film. In "Duel of Destiny", the emperor who did not die returns, and Kyle Lun is still the most powerful villain in the new trilogy. In addition, Poe Dameron's sudden show of romantic interest in Roy has undoubtedly puzzled Star Wars fans because such developments were unexpected. After all: in the "Rise of the Skywalker", Rose Tyco, who can only be seen in "less than 76 seconds of thanks", plays a bigger role here.

But in this version, Kylo eventually decides to sacrifice his life for the good to save Rey. Rey Palpatine? Rey Skywalker? Rey Kenobi? No, Rey Solana! Trevorrow insisted on episode 8 and refused to include Rey in one of the famous "Star Wars" pedigrees. A short animated video shows that Duel of Destiny is a more complete addition to episodes 7 and 8, while Rise of the Skywalker only covers certain developments of his predecessor. But the 9th episode of Trevorrow can never please everyone.

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