Although much of the attention in the anime industry has recently fallen on the long-awaited adaptation of Uzumaki, another series has drawn widespread criticism for the quality of its animation: Blue Lock. After a first season well received by fans, the second season has generated a wave of discontent, since the previously dynamic sequences have given way to static and low-quality scenes.
The controversy has been so intense that even former animators of the series have come out to express their discontent. Among them, stands out Evakoi
“The blue lock situation is no longer funny, it’s very sad. I personally know many animators of the new episodes, and most of them are good anima tors, some are excellent… As someone who worked on an episode of the first season, where the situation with the schedule was similar… I remember that I did several design cuts with movement back then, nothing crazy, but everything was transformed into still images. That was the focus of the production, because there was no time or. people to work on it in later stages (Douga, Shiage).”
As the artist tells it, the main difficulties come from the decisions of the production company, which has modified the production approach to meet delivery times, thus prioritizing an early release over the quality of the animation.
On the other hand, Evakoi stressed that the animators are not responsible for this situation, since they have demonstrated their ability in other projects. However, it seems that Kodanshathe owner of the franchise, was not willing to prolong the fans’ wait for this season.
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