A few days ago I came across a campaign on Twitter that encouraged us to listen to more, more discs about body shape. And that each time we use less of a physical structure, and each time we buy less music and even have digital music. And that the more we use music streaming services, the more data we say today we already know the state of the music streaming services for the 2019 season. Apple Music is behind Sotify and rates as the second most used music service in 2019.

Total music streaming services grew 32% in 2019, reaching 358 million subscribers according to a study published by Counterpoint Research. Spotify remains the 35% market leaderhowever Apple Music follows closely, having reached 19% of the total market last year. A service that continues to grow year by year with the next Amazon Music or YouTube Music suit.

Spotify holds its first position with the help of S-like promotional activitiesPizza Premium free for 3 months, price cuts, customized campaigns like Spotify and special content focus. Tech giants such as Amazon, Apple, Google have started focusing on streaming music and have enough money at their disposal to give Spotify a strong competition. Apple Music is making improvements to its operating system, such as night mode installations, selected playlists to manage the group, etc.. Similarly, Amazon Music has been exploring the missing music and creating its own niche when competing with Tidal.

And if we go back to changes in usage, it should be said that More than 80% of paid subscribers, which shows that ultimately users choose to pay the required fee, even if there is a promotion, to have all music lists in their hands. Moreover, the interesting thing is that this ability exists in the attributes of each resource, because at the catalog level everything is very similar. We will see how this year 2020 develops and if Apple Music continues to take on commercials in the difficult field of music streaming.