Fimmel actually wanted to take on the role of Floki …
"Vikings" star Travis Fimmel [Travis Fimmel] originally intended to keep the series "Vikings" longer than he and his actor Ragnar Lothbrok now. Netzwelt has all the information!
For many fans of the epic "Vikings" in history, the protagonist Ragnar Lothbrok's death in season 4 is shocking. If you believe in the fan forum, this event is so dramatic that the Amazon Prime series has never recovered its former strength, and it misses the actor Travis Fimmel and its charm very much. But everything can be very different.
As Australian actor Travis Fimmel said in a recent interview with the American magazine The Wrap, he actually wanted to play the role of Floki. A character that fans know is 20 episodes longer than Ragnar and may return in Season 6 of The Legend of Vikings. But this role was ultimately attributed to Gustaf Skarsgård. According to Fimel, the role he played was much better than he could have done.
"I actually want to play Floki, but Gustaf is already occupied."
Travis Fimmel
Fimmel went on to point out that when recording his application video [trial tape], all major roles have been assigned except Ragnar Lothbrok's role. Therefore, he used hours to quickly record a video, and was quickly starred by ABC History. The American magazine Inquisitor even reported that Fimmel's audition tape was recorded and played a week before the planned filming. Shortly before closing, so!
Even if the Fimmel of the series of movies that plays the role of Floki can be retained for a longer period of time, fans will be satisfied until finally accepted. Because both roles are popular among movie fans, this is especially important for actors who bring their characters to life.
You can find out if Ragnar is back for the last time in the final episode of The Legend of Viking in our spoiler gallery. We will also tell you the real location of Kattegat. The most important thing is whether the character that Fimmel wants to play is really discovered by Iceland Floki!
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