NieR, the franchise created by the extravagant Japanese direct Yoko Taro, has celebrated its tenth anniversary with the opening of a Web page. In 2010, more specifically in the month of April, NieR landed on Xbox 360 and Playstation 3 with a less debatable success. However, and despite this, the game became a cult game among those players who completed the adventure 100%, something that not everyone did because of an approach rarely seen to date.
He NieR The original did not have excellent mechanics, nor a pointer graphic section. However, if he did it in two aspects, his soundtrack and his fantastic story. The adventure created by Yoko Taro managed to get into the hearts of those players who gave it a chance despite the shortcomings of the game, possibly giving them one of the best experiences they have lived, as far as narrative is concerned.
Despite this, the video game developed by Cavia was not even a success in sales, which meant the subsequent closure of the study a few months after its launch. After this, it seemed impossible that the NieR franchise could continue, but after the E3 of 2015 the story changed. Square Enix made official the announcement of NieR: Automata, a sequel to the game that would happen thousands of years after the original delivery, and that had the most important members of the original title on board, with an important novelty: Platinum Games.
Thus, NieR: Automata has achieved what its predecessor did not do, reach the majority public. The delivery created by Platinum Games and Yoko Taro has achieved the success that its predecessor did not achieve, even causing the salvation of Platinum Games, as Hideki Kamiya said.
After this success, many players have asked for a continuation of Square Enix, as well as many others, especially those who played the original title, have done the same with a remaster of the first installment. Well today Square Enix has opened a web page to celebrate the tenth anniversary of NieR, which has triggered rumors about a new (or old) saga title.
At the moment, it is too early to know what the opening of the NieR's tenth anniversary website, but there is no doubt that soon we will have news about it.
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