On paper, a Netflix wrestling movie from WWE Studios does not seem to be anything more than a show of wrestling action and WWE superstars. But through the clever deployment of tired and heart-wrenching children's movie movies, Main Event stands out as one of the most intriguing topics on the platform. From television director Jay Karas, whose previous work includes episodes of Superstore and Workaholics, Main Event A REALLY refreshing dip.
The movie follows 11-year-old Leo (Seth Carr), a serial wrestler and bully at school, an overworked father (Adam Pally), and a missing mother. After receiving a magic luchador mask, he enters the WWE tournament which just takes place in his small American town. (At least the film's light shows this strange phenomenon.) The idea of a child getting magical powers that help him escape his normal life is nothing new, but Main Event stand out by avoiding too many clichés and focused on the emotional message.
For one thing, Leo is a very good opponent. As a wrestler, he knows the ins and outs of WWE. As a kid who reads comic books like Rick Riordan's Percy Jackson series and its magazines, he knows how to use his superhuman abilities. Instead of being completely overwhelmed by the mask and its power, you put it on Google's back search, and are able to manage old news revealing some of its secrets.
And the film skips over some common plot devices, too. At least one of Leo's teachers actually believes the school's bullies are fired, and sends them to the principal's office. The misconceptions that often create the bulk of a movie made for children are quickly removed, allowing for a greater focus on factual conflicts – Leo deals with his mother's departure, his strange confidence, and his complicated relationship with his father.
Juggling that many plot points sometimes involve each one small, but because they are all interconnected, they reach a satisfying conclusion. Leo's insecurity in his life and school, as well as his father's distance, comes from his mother leaving them. Their difficult relationship comes from the decline of his father refusing to talk about it – and that his father is busy with two jobs to pay back the loans. Those relationships and conflicts coincide with Leo's gimmick entering a wrestling match, which establishes a meaningless foundation for something real.
As a great magical trial man, Leo receives deep voice, immense power and, most importantly, confidence. It's like 1994 Scissors That way, because this magical twist gives Leo the idea to be an enhanced and cool version. And as Scissors, obviously the last message is not the need this mask is the person he wants to be. Of course, anyway Main Event it features high magic magic powers and special cheesy effects like Scissors, the final delivery is more family friendly, focused on Leo adjusting family obligations and friendships, and being true to himself.
Leo's friends are allowed as little notes, and acting on baby parts is a little light. But Leo's friendship with Erica (Momona Tamada) blossoms and blossoms naturally as he understands how he can be without her without doing his magic. The best part of the broadcasters is Leo's grandmother, played by Tichina Arnold, who works as her character throughout the movie – a loving and violent mentor who publicly expresses her obsession with WWE superstar Kofi Kingston. Leo wanders into his treacherous relationship with his father, but having his grandmother both as an anchor and a source of humor gives the relationship of his home a greater dimension.
Main Event it has its fair share of over-the-top wrestling games. To prevent participation in the grand championships, Leo and other competitors compete in activities such as rope jumping and barrel throwing. The tournament game itself is a lot of fun, and it's not overlooked. Watching little Leo in the face of strong opponents is funny, but there is also the happy satisfaction of a child to see his confidence build up as he faces strong and strong opponents. It is the basis of similar movies Spy Children, who indulge in bad dreams, but most importantly, let children see themselves as heroes.
A real wrestling career easily knocks out his battles. Allowing zanier elements of a movie to interact with those with multiple bases reduces the movie from a good moment to something emotionally charged. Main Event it manages to be the best kind of movie for children, cleverly defensively and capable of telling something important – while deciding that it's just one good joke.
Main Event streaming on Netflix now.
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