The best differentiators for controlling PC fans

The Boss


The best differentiators for controlling PC fans

controlling, differentiators, Fans

When choosing a splitter you have to be very careful, as there are many types, but not all of them are used in the same way. In addition, we have to make sure that each PWM connector with speakers has enough amperage to be able to channel the power to the other fans we are going to put you on.

If this weren't enough, our output would be below RPM for all fans and important uploads to a specific port.

Split PC fans: why don't they all work

In this article we will address one type of crack for PC fans with a very simple fact: lack of space and space and avoiding short circles found in physical contacts. Therefore, we would recommend cable-based frames with sleeves and also without external power, so we emphasize the fact that the connector on which it is connected should provide enough amps.

Also, this type of fracture we are going to deal with is very sensitive for obvious electrical reasons. Manufacturers should make high quality wires to avoid electrical problems, breaks and so forth.

So we are looking for the best in the market splitter (most of Phobya), where everything will be pretty good unless there is a price.

Noctua NA SYC1

Noctua NA SYC1

They are well-known in the world of fans for keeping the electrical cord stable, including the two of them and the fact that they are cheap.

The only problem they have is that it's short, so it's only recommended if the fans and their PWM threads come freely.

Phobya Y-cable 4Pin PWM up to 3x 4Pin PWM 30cm – black

Phobya Y-cable 4Pin PWM up to 3x 4Pin PWM 30cm - black

He is the first of Phobya's threads. Medium cable (30 cm) that allows you to connect 3 PWM fans. Hit like normal, hot sleeves to tie him up and different which of the three connectors will read RPM.

Phobya Y-4Pin PWM cable to 6x 4Pin PWM 60cm – black

Phobya Y-4Pin PWM cable to 6x 4Pin PWM 60cm - black

It is the highest quality splitter system and therefore has all its advantages. The finish is of high quality and the welds are best used using a high quality welding sleeve.

It is the only divider in the market that allows 6 fans without the capacity of an external molex, helping not only its installation but also its assembly.

Phobya Y-4Pin PWM cable to 9x 4Pin PWM 60cm – black

Phobya Y-4Pin PWM cable to 9x 4Pin PWM 60cm - black

We are dealing with jewelry in the crown of Phobya and an efficient PC splitter. It is the only market that allows 9 PWM fans without the current outdoors, which is why it is recommended for systems with Aquaero 5 or 6, because crickets such as the Corsair 1000D at its finest.

It is so large that no other manufacturer has the courage to insure the integrity of the cable by soldering and wiping the sheathing.

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