Why was the original Final Fantasy 7 important, even when it came back

Geralt of Sanctuary

Why was the original Final Fantasy 7 important, even when it came back

Fantasy, Final, important, original

The Last Wonders 7 Remake it bothers me.

The fear that some might see is not part of their colleagues in the first game, but like to replace it so. Be warned it might lead some players to conclude that the original PlayStation game, with its old-fashioned graphics and classic battles, designed to turn, is now over.

Not at all.

If anything, they compared the 1997 game with Be warned reveals a variety of qualities that are always different from the original, and make a strong case for why the PlayStation classic is still very common to see today, even if you've never played. Final concept 7 before.

To find the whole story

The most important thing to remember is that you still have only one option if you want to hear the whole story. Understandably, Square Enix may want to uninstall Be warned in stages; a project is a huge undertaking, and selling multiple games makes sense from a business perspective as well.

But the first one Be warned the release ends when the 1997 game sounds like it's near. You spend your first six or eight hours on Midgar when the original releases are played, and Midgar is a metallic, interactive city that feels great – until you finally take your first steps above it and see the entire world map spread out in front of you.

She is one “Wow!” The greatest of all time in all sports, too Be warned doesn't give you that … at least for now. Credits are issued as are the heroes about Entering the wider world, robbing players of that jaw-dropping system until the next release. The same Ring Assembly ends right where Frodo and other hobbies are about to leave the Shire.

But the biggest barrier comes with it Be warnedThe decision to end at that point is not how it stops from exploring the wider world, but how it stops from exploring Cloud as a character.

The cloud begins as a seemingly normal symbol of male heroism: a little cold, and cut off from his own feelings. Once you enter the world beyond the gates of Midgar, however, you begin to delve deeper into Cloud & # 39; s psyche and his past. The real person begins to build where in the beginning there was only human dignity. Losing that trip, or at least holding it until we get the next installment, is disappointing when the cloud journey is handled properly, with such a strong placement, on the actual release.

FF7 it's about a lot of things, but what's important in its story is the cloud's way of being filled with him, as he learns what it is to lose, to grieve and to care for something bigger than himself. Or Be warned one day he'll give us the rest of Cloud's journey – maybe, at least – which now begins and ends unless Cloud is heavily developed by the characters.

It is a serious injury Be warnedThe narrative arc, and we cannot judge whether it is a wise decision until after all Final concept 7 Release is released, which may take years. Final concept 7 the self, on the other hand, is gone now, and its easy-to-use graphic design doesn't hurt the storytelling and character production almost as you would imagine when viewing screenshots.

If you want the whole story, without having to pause for years between acts, the actual issue is your only option.

Doing more with less

Cloud's lack of character arc and the frustration of seeing the release of credits as the story really begins are short-lived. Be warned will finally tell the full story of the battle Cloud and its allies are fighting to protect the planet from Sephiroth. What then? Would it still be worth it to go back and play the original?

Certainly. Original FF7 it's still going to be as important as ever, in fact. As the sophisticated CGI of 2005 & # 39; s King Kong I cannot give a glimpse of the animated animation of the first movement portrayed in 1933, 1997 Final concept 7 you will always have unique qualities that make it worth searching for and knowing. In many cases the limitations of the original technology have resulted in the unique and effective creative selection that still exists, even though the artwork itself has come to light from a different time.

Think about how FF7 treats the lack of an active voice. Another mark of great art is its ability to turn boundaries into commodities, and that is one way FF7 Is this through some powerful cutscenes that contain great emotion and meaning beyond the words spoken.

My favorite example of this the original cutscene foreshadowing a 7-plate industry deterioration in Midgar, a disaster caused by Shinra's evil organization for good. In one moment, we get a panic shot from the ground in the confusion below as the plate comes crashing down, crushing hundreds of people.

After a moment, we looked down the falls from a high point above. The camera comes back, and we are enveloped by the sounds of ancient music as we see President Shinra about the destruction while he is firmly posted on his tower, utterly unhappy with the loss of life, the innumerable human cost of his actions. And no one should speak for the power of that moment to reach.

This economic situation tells us all we need to know about the balance of power in the Midgar, their meaningful lives, and the disadvantages. To its credit, Be warned it emphasizes FF7Political themes in their dialogue, but there is a beauty that the actual game means a lot here without a word. To quote a popular cliche in writing, it shows, instead of telling.

Similarly, the latest incident in which a character dies – arguably the most famous death scene of a video game of all time – is a magnificent work of powerful emotion conveyed through stages and music alone. We're not seen Be warnedI'm still taking that moment right now. It can be very powerful in its own way, but it's probably going to be very different, and my concern is that someone will open their mouth and somehow snatch the experience of a certain active force.

I even dispute that Final concept 7 is finding ways to turn its blocky genres into power. It's not like Baby Yoda nurtures a sense of tenderness that his words grow to be the same, unpopular 1997 character models FF7 torture my heart is open in ways that their partners like so many lives inside Be warned you never know. Their wonky height and strong movement are reminiscent of baby-headed dolls, and this is due, in a way, because Cloud itself behaves like a silly kid. This is a story about people with flaws doing their best, and mutant character models drive that point home, even if that extra layer of meaning is added in time, not the original intention of the project. That doesn't make it real, or even work.

Cloud looks surprised at his reaction to the most painful emotional experiences of another incident. He says: “My fingers are shaking. “My mouth is dry. My eyes are burning! ”The moment Cloud awakens in his humanity it works because it looks like a toy.

The emotional texture would be totally different if I was watching someone who looked like an old man saying these things, and I suspect that Be warned it will have to find its way around this particular emotional and mental space as a result.

From the start, it's almost like we're watching him turn into a real boy, and the re-telling is far more logical and detailed to allow for any interpretation of events than the audience intended. The lack of detail can often work at the mercy of the game, as our thinking fills the rest. Last Wonders 7 Remake, however, it immerses us in detail, to the point where our imagination has nowhere to go, and no spaces to fill. We see what Square Enix wants us to see, nothing more, and certainly nothing less.

Final concept 7 the benefits of being able to rotate from one tone to another without seeming jarring or inconsistent because its appearance is based on "real." The game can put us into the industrial handling of a one-dimensional reactor bomb, a physical joke of a war cry in the direction of a war over time, and an equally enjoyable act of cunning devotion made by a materialistic cat. over time too, and it works because the artwork does not limit our expectations of what is possible in the universe. As of 2018 & # 39; s In Spider-Verse it shows that there are still movie-themed items that can take away Marvel action movies, FF7 exerts its enormous ping-pong power from a state-of-the-art situation in ways that an invisible base game can rival.

Don't get me wrong, Be warned It looks like it handles sensitive and heartfelt moments, but there is scope for the tone field to come, and I doubt if it will be able to wander that day when the time comes. Reasonable design may, in fact, capture some of the emotional reactions that are inspired by actual releases.

Watch story

And what about the world that these characters inhabit? It might be the same place we are Be warned, but our view of that world has completely changed. While Be warnedHis camera follows the standard iCloud, FF7The reliance on presentation in the pre-scripted domain meant that its creators had to choose some valid points, and the results are always impressive.

At times fencing emphasizes the industrial and military strength of Shinra's organization, as in the other case where Cloud travels through the shipyards, an unseen, visible blossom, sparkling with great spiritual courage around him. Occasionally, the natural beauty of the game's prehistoric land, as seen in the cinematic views of the Cosmo Canyon, is displayed behind the purple sky.

Be warnedThe camera may allow us to see more of the world, but these powerful shots have their own power, and they work very effectively with Cloud as a small person in a vast and diverse world. Me Be warned it comes quickly, lacks the power of real great splendor.

No doubt Be warnedThe dedication of that land is richly explained, thanks to the benefits of modern technology, and, of course, much more. But that doesn't mean the world of the first game doesn't have its own magic.

The challenge facing artists in charge of creating spaces Final concept 7 paving the way to make them feel alive, without the limitations of pre-rendered backgrounds and a stationary camera.

The team has risen to this challenge with aplomb, understanding that subtle touches can go a long way in making these areas feel more than just images. It's about the blinking candle here, the blurry screams coming from somewhere, the small details that make these places feel like scenes in a storybook insert.

Again, there is nothing wrong Be warnedThe way. These are two completely different ways of introducing the living world, each one is a product of the time it was created, and I marvel at what the makers FF7 use the tools at their disposal. Both take on importance, and relevance, and work better as companion pieces rather than binary options.

Everyone's adventure

Finally, I appreciate that Final concept 7 it feels very inviting, especially in comparison Be warned. The new game may be well suited to experienced players who already know their way through real-time combat tactics, but I've seen more of the more experienced players fighting his first real battle. Be warned you want you to know exactly this batch that it's not surprising there.

And that's okay, but it's part of the magic of FF7 can be found with its international and attractive characters. I want as many people as possible to hear the benefits offered, and I think the makers of the 1997 game did it, too, and they organized the game accordingly.

FF7 it makes you hard to fight in such a way that even those new to JRPGs can understand the basics, and it does so without sacrificing depth, and while offering plenty of opportunities to test your expertise. Inexperienced players may enter Be warned, again, not every game should be for everyone. I like mine Dark Souls, but everyone who wants to deserve to hear the wonders of this ancient story. So if someone who doesn't play many games asks me which type of quest will be more friendly and more profitable for them, that's fine, a simple answer.

Of course Be warned it offers options that make the fight a lot easier, but they go too far, making the fight feel like a matter of frustration where the input is unnecessary. There is a wonderful place where the war can be reached by new arrivals while still being occupied, however Be warned he remembers it.

Arguments about whether it was real FF7 or shiny new Be warned is a better game less interesting, and I'd rather not go that far. They both have a lot to offer potential players, and while trying to tell the same basic story, they look very different, and feel very different to play, no one way can make the other hold the other.

But I hope people continue to seek and play real. Although it can be a product of another era, Final concept 7The magic remains as timeless and repetitive as it was the day it was released.

That's the art thing. From Casablanca in order 1999 in order Final concept 7; there may be imitations, cover types, and specific suggestions, but the actual ones will always be worth a return, or a first visit. What the original team did was win, too Last Wonders 7 Remake build on this victory without making it over. It is my hope that both games continue to find a home of eager players on a subject that feels bigger than life, no matter which way they decide to play it.

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