Games Made Quick, the organization behind many popular speed events, is hosting a special COVID-19 free stream. The event is called Corona Restoration Made Quick and will begin at 12 p.m. EDT on Friday, April 17.
While most of the Games-Directed Games event, Corona Relief Done Quick will be hunted online to help prevent the spread of the virus. As standard organizational events there will be various game speeds ranging from classics to releases from previous years. During each segment, the speed driver and keeper will take a broadcast explaining how they are doing when reading donations from viewers. You can find it the full event speed schedule for the Fastest Made Sport website
For Corona's Help Done All donations to the event will go directly to it The exact Atonement
The launch of this new event comes just a few weeks later Games Made Quickly announced that it was postponing its regular Summer Games Done Quick (SQDQ) event due to security issues related to the novel coronavirus. In the hope of finding a more secure personal space for the event, the Quickly Made Games took the SGDQ back to Aug. 16-23. The fastest-growing winter fast-paced games in the world, Awesome Games was made faster this January and raised more than $ 3 million by the Prevent Cancer Foundation.
The Corona Relief Done Quick will be distributed in full Games Made by Twitch's fastest channel and will live 24 hours a day until the event ends.