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Distributors and developers working with Dotemu (Wonder Boy Distributors: Dragon & # 39; s Trap, Windowsjammers developers 1 and 2), as well as developers working with Lizardcube (Wonder Boy: The Dragon & # 39; s Trap) and Guard Crush Games (Roads of Fury) They are proud to announce today that Star of Rage 4, SEGA & # 39; s iconic hit-em-up, coming PC, PlayStation 4, Nintendo Switch, Xbox One and Xbox Game Pass April 30 for € 24,99.
The news comes from the hand of a new trailer showing for the first time the Rage 4 Combat Mode Trails, a spiritually connected experience with Street of Rage 2 and 3. This fight is dedicated to a race between rivals and a gang member when it comes to cleaning the streets of Wood Oak City in the trash. It is also a great place to eliminate all those accidental incidents between friends during multiplayer. Don't miss other ways to dominate your enemies in the following trailer:
In order not to miss the beat of the Dotemu combo, the Lizardcube and Guard Crush Games have also clarified how they have included recently announced characters from Street of Rage 1 and 2 with their ancient sounds. They did it by logging into the PlayStation Blog: don't miss the whole story and why it's so important for the team to do the job successfully by reading the full entry here.
Rage 4 Trails is the first installment to launch the franchise in over 25 years. This goes back to the barrel of the Star of Rage element with a new fighting style, novel and handmade art style, as well as a new unique sound led by Olivier Derivière. The composer has used the talent of artists from around the world with the work of franchise composers Yuczō Koshiro and Motohiro Kawashima.