Let me let the cool game for you. You play as a messenger, and your progress allows you to continue through the wilderness. You must build connections with people in order to give back to the community. There is a kid, you can wear cool sunglasses and a dumb hat, and there is a mechanic for taking a big frame and poo.
You thought I was talking about Kojima Productions & # 39; Surprising Death, released in 2019? No, Kojima's unique dystopia has already happened, so we move on. True experts know I'm referring to them Animal Crossing: New Horizons, if you take a closer look at the themes of both games.
Somehow, Surprising Death it ended up being a minor prophecy. Funny enough, of course Animal Crossing. Both games came at some point in the zeitgeist, and it had something to say about people and how they interact. Sure, Norman Reedus and Mads Mikkelsen are far from the sweet and crafty world of Tom Nook and friends, but the basic context is the same. They have some similarities heart
Both games are about a small group of people who act as managers, who link individual communities by sending packages. Most of my time at Animal Crossing in the meantime the goods are spent searching for my friends. Every morning, I pass my Nook Shop and Able Sister catalog to my friends, catching whatever they need. My pumps will spend an hour exchanging goods back and forth so that they each have one another's house in their Nook system.
My residents are content to live in their own small spaces; I am the person who travels through each city and into the right wilderness, where mysterious islands await. I'll trade, and I'll win.
Both games take place against the backdrop of the mainstream. Former personality conflicts abound throughout the game, representing history and death in the past. What else can I do to get masks and gas masks in my Animal Crossing shop. Without these arguments, who would make this gear? It makes you think. When did the chemical war begin in that world? Does it matter, now that the world seems to have moved on? Do you believe that love can blossom on the battlefield?
And, yes, both games allow you to understand and consume a world where you can be chased by a spooky enemy (BTs in Surprising Death, tarantulas inside New Horizons). But speaking frankly, both of these games are about connectivity, and society more about loving each other.
While Surprising Death focuses on the acquisition and planning of such travel, as well as the great mysteries of Death Stranding itself, New Horizons it is content simply to stop emphasizing and celebrating tradition. Players should try to be accessible to the full experience, and Nintendo has offered tons of benefits for players just to be there
Like Surprising Death keep a lot of forecasts around 2020, Animal Crossing similar to the first signs of light at the end of the tunnel. Even now, when things get tough, people continue to care for one another. Real world communities are interacting online and finding ways to share one another. It's a game where the worst kind of behavior steals or treads a flower, and even then, players are quick to help their wounds in battle.
Hopefully the bonds highlighted by both of these games are strong enough to keep us past our need period.
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