Xbox, the most popular type of game in Generation X


Xbox, the most popular type of game in Generation X

game, generation, popular, type, Xbox

It is true that each generation of people often identifies and identifies itself with the preceding one. We have Millenials, Generation X, Baby Boomers, and Silent Generation among many others. Maybe for a consumer, knowing that you belong to a certain category does not mean anything that makes his day happy or sad. However For a brand, being able to work with each generation on its products is crucial.

That is why this report is Visual capitalist where they balance the "love" each generation has with these particular products.

The nature of product love

The study examined the following parameters to assess the “love” level of products. Complex values ​​have to be separated, but they can certainly be a good marker to gauge how much a user feels like a product type based on their reproductive stage.

  • Users: The relationship between product and consumer.
  • Emotional Communication: The amount of positive emotion the user has for the product, and also how their personal values ​​are aligned with the product's price.
  • Archetype: The six traits that exist among the most intimate marks, include fulfillment, identity, advancement, tradition, apathy, and indulgence.
  • Category: The level of resilience in relationships is divided into three categories: sharing, union and integration.
  • School of intimacy: Based on these four components, a score is given, ranging from 0 to 100.

The research shows a few interesting details. The first is that for Millenials (users between the ages of 18 and 34), the Playstation is the most popular brand in the first place, but the Xbox is in ninth place. Generation X users (ages 35-54), Xbox is a very popular type of console, taking eighth place in the category.

Millennial Position (18 to 34 years)

Gen X Ranking (35 to 54 years)

Interesting Xbox fact

This study confirms that talk is for all of us to learn that Playstation is for younger audiences and that the Xbox domain is usually people over 30 years old. However, that is not a good idea for Microsoft. Americans can enjoy the disconnect between the Millenial community, and become the preferred choice within Generation X, which according to Visual Capitalist has a technological level of adoption similar to that of Millenials.

This study collects more data, as well as Baby Boomer generation practices, but they are dense and do not affect comfort.

Joshua Angel

Jose Angel

Managing this house since 2014. I love playing with all those achievements and am a huge fan of Microsoft products.

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