Function Call: Warzone console players disable crossplay due to PC trick


Function Call: Warzone console players disable crossplay due to PC trick

Call, Console, crossplay, disable, due, function, players, trick, Warzone

Troubleshooting problems in online competitive games such as Call of Duty Modern: War of War or Call of Duty: Warzone has always been a PC-only issue, but Due to the increasing popularity of crossplay across platforms, this issue has begun to increase for console artists. and creates a lot of tension within the community. In the past few days, Infinity Ward reported that it had blocked nearly 700,000 hackers on Call of Duty: Warzone, but reports continue to appear for many fake shows showing poor performance and causing major frustration for fans.

Thanks to the death chamber used in Call of Duty: Warzone and Call of Duty: Modern Wars, many users have been able to record trick players using tactics such as firing on a wall or removing weapons. , among many other practices. On Reddit we can find many examples in the last days.

Call of Duty: Warzone already has effects, but not in War Royale mode

Sadly, crossplay has come to this… departure r / modern wars

Another Day, Another Game With Cooks. IW, you WANT to disable PC gaming on PC until you fix this. departure r / CODWarzone

How do people find this fun? 150+ kills aimbot and can't report because it's crossplay departure r / modern wars

Some of these involved players have cheated console gamers, too They warn infinity Ward that if they can't remove these users they will eventually disable crossplay vulnerabilities between platforms. This can be a fun solution for consoles, even if you can't play with friends from other platforms, but the game itself does interrupt this issue. According to Eurogamer, when trying to find a game with crossplay is disabled in Call of Duty: Warzone, the on-screen message warns that it is recommended to activate this function. If ignored and continued anyway, the system looks like it's not getting the game and it is flying a warning message to enable crossplay. Eventually he manages to find the game, but the wait is far from over.

Function Call: Warzone console players disable crossplay due to PC trick

Infinity Ward looks determined to end the dialogues of Call of Duty: Modern Wars and Call of Duty: Warzone, but until then, these negative scenes will keep repeating itself. The solution until then, for some, is to do it without skipping.

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