Are you a big fan of Baby Yoda?
In the Disney + series "Mandalorians", the bounty hunters struggled in the galaxy, making fans of the global "Star Wars" legend excited. But how well do you know Mando, Yoda and Co? Test your knowledge in our quiz.
In a short period of time, the Disney + series "Mandalo" has become popular all over the world. Many people saw the series about silent bounty hunters returning to the roots of the original "Star Wars" trilogy. Don't forget the hype surrounding baby Yoda.
However, whether you are a fan of the series or a movie, your passion for distant galaxies will unite fans all over the world. Our quiz includes questions about the "Mandalorian" sequel trilogy, prequel trilogy and the original "Star Wars" trilogy! Can you answer all questions correctly?
The "Star Wars" world is composed of 9 movies and numerous series and books. It is not difficult to confuse actions, personnel and events. In our overview, we tell you the order in which you should watch the Star Wars movie. In addition, you will find a lot of information about movie series and series in the overview. Our "Mandalorian" episode guide introduces you to the adventures of baby Yoda.
6 items
"Mandalorians": These clone wars and rebel characters may appear!
These fan favorites may come back!
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