200 million hours played, 45 million hordes eliminated and other figures that Days Gone leaves us for its first anniversary

The Boss

200 million hours played, 45 million hordes eliminated and other figures that Days Gone leaves us for its first anniversary

anniversary, days, eliminated, figures, hordes, hours, Leaves, million, played

The April 26th is a year old since Days Gone It was released exclusively for PS4. The Bend Studio action-survival title was one of the best Sony console received last year and has continued to gain a following over the months.

To celebrate this special moment, its creators have thought that a good way was publishing an infographic with the curious figures that have generated the games of the players from all over the world, highlighting especially the 200 million hours who have played among all of them throughout the last 365 days.

The spawns has been another of the highlights, since they have been removed 45 million hordes and 32 million infestations, plus 30 million camps and another 30 million more Nero points. Of course, this makes it clear that Deacon St. John was unable to take a breather while users have reached unlock over 100 million trophies.

Days Gone Infographic

Among other data, it is possible to highlight the 8,000 million credits spent to repair the parts of the motorcycle of our protagonist or the 12.5 million challenges that have been successfully completed during 42 million days They have played this spectacular post-apocalyptic title, on which it must be recognized that it has been improving little by little thanks to the patches that have been implemented and that make it a great game from the PS4 catalog.

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