My crossing of Animal Crossing Island has become a disaster

Geralt of Sanctuary

My crossing of Animal Crossing Island has become a disaster

Animal, Crossing, Disaster, Island

It had to be like this. Crossing the Animals: New Horizons it gives players paradise, but take me to my garden of Eden.

Two things happened, and they met in a bad way. The first is that I decided to dig out the options for a landscaping game. New Horizons allows you to customize your island, and change the canals and water bodies as you see fit. Going forward I decided that the empty canvas would go well, so I put everything down. No water, no water. Nothing but pure grass and occasional tree so I can pick and sell fruits.

As soon as I closed the road in the water and turned to look at my beautiful island, I realized I had climbed. Terraforming is a soft, soft process. Clearing the island, a simple task, took several hours. Now I had to build it all back.

Was it worth it? After many hours of work and trying to figure out how to turn the cliffs and set up lakes, I was able to design a beautiful little spot with our homes. I even confused how to make good hearts out of stone paths, and how to create natural waterfalls.

The disadvantage is that the artificial area covers about 15% of our island. Everything else is just a title. Houses are everywhere, without any agreement or reason, in the suburbs. The only thing one can escape to is an orange tree or an amazing orchard. It looks really bad, and now I have to use my imagination to deliver everything of this return to life, one block at a time. In this is economics?

You might think, Ah, not so bad. Cass, you just have to look at your island as a garden of endless possibilities. Not to mention … and I've been around my island for a night out.

I woke my husband up on his birthday mornings and well, it's still time for him to buy 1.7 pounds of turnips. I built myself a ramp that would lead you to our tiny flower-lined abode, but to see it completed would require waiting a day. So, move on to the next morning, when that path is about to end. And it was great!

It looks fantastic, when it's not worn in a nightgown.
Photo: Nintendo EPD / Nintendo via Polygon

Then I realized that I was going crazy, in a selfish moment when my husband's birthday curve was on the line. I hurried back to his house, and took a great sigh of relief. They weren't wasted – we were just depressed for a while. Now I cannot return to the size of my natural environment without risking a huge investment loss. Well, when I wake up in the morning, the sun is setting on my Animal Crossing Island. All day long, I was treated to a dark night and an empty island.

But what else am I supposed to do? Spread my husband's big turnip? Those he bought on his birthday?

It will take at least a few days before I can get back to my island. All this is possible; I do not completely reinvent myself in the corner. But right now, my island is a disaster. I will not be able to get in during my lunch break, lest I leave my house and be attacked immediately. You see, when I wanted to create an empty canvas to paint my vision, I accidentally created the shape of tarantulas. And there are no obstacles, so they see me from 400 miles and get in my ass like an oncoming train.

I get lost all over again, because there are so few symptoms on my barren, sad island. Or music playing at 3 a.m. through the game it is sad. A few compositional notes, a persistent but quiet snare, and some silly provincial sounds. It's like a soundtrack knows my thousand bullies and laughs at me quietly.

I urge you, learn from my ways – don't build a cold, expensive island where there is no light to touch the earth.

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