The good boys of Flout 76 are my new foes

Geralt of Sanctuary

The good boys of Flout 76 are my new foes

boys, Flout, foes, Good

Fallout 76New people's NPCs are further grouped into two groups: In the north, you can find tough and violent riders, sitting on the ruins of a corrupt space station. Farther south, there are peaceful and hard working residents, who seek to restore civilization. In RPGs, I usually play a good person. I always give NPCs more flexibility, transfer medical resources and save the employer I find inappropriate in the fall.

Polygon has reached Bethesda, and they find that fans are actually quite divided about which group they prefer. Fifty percent of the players correspond with the residents of the Foundation, and 46% choose competitors in Crater. If you ask me, 54% of players made the wrong choice. This is one of the few RPGs where the bad guys have conquered me, and I'm totally willing to give up my normal moral principles and principles if it means I'll stay at the table for cool kids and attackers.

How I met the invaders

The Raptors have been battling him all over the Farout universe since the first game. They appear over time Fallout 2 and Fallout: New Vegas, it becomes more than just a random threat, and more of a set of different cultures. Great Khans, for example, can be allies in it New Vegas, and you can check out their relationship with the Republic of New California.

Fallout 76 it does not benefit from any of that, because it takes place in a completely different region and period. There are attackers, it seems, because, it's a Fallout game and you need riders … but these guys have their own rules and rules of behavior. Surprisingly enough, they get used to working with you.

Over time, you get to meet all the raider lieutenants and great players, and it's fun to meet. I meet Lou, an activist who wants to go out and keep everyone safe, and his weasel, the passenger in his voice box, who gives him the voice of a 1950s male proclamation. I am acquainted with Gail and Ra-ra, a wonderful victim and her brilliant child. I was even quoted by Johnny Gentleman, a cold-blooded killer wearing a sharp suit.

Even all the little NPCs in the raider camp, like the bartender, are fun to talk to. I'd rather just hang out with nameless NPCs, with players on the same line in their Crater HQ than spend time in a basic city.

As soon as the game allows me to do so I'm going to stab the guy
Image: Bethesda Game Studios / Bethesda Softworks by Polygon

Residents (I can't stand)

Meanwhile, aliens remain a form of insult. They are a group of citizens who have traveled to and from Appalachia from outside the state, and can quickly tell that this is their land now and not planning to leave. Paige, the leader of the group, is short with me throughout their quest series; focused entirely on efficiency. When I show up and tell him he needs to take on the vaccine players who spend the first year of the game developing, he doubts me and makes me testify to him. That is coming in a different direction by 2020, so I didn't immediately like Paige who never left. There is one good NPC, Jen, but she has to do a lot of work to make everyone delay.

Half the time I come from a residential area, I get a lot of perspective from people wandering around the city. "Everyone can tell you you have chemicals," someone tells him. "Lie." I look at my Pip-Boy, confused. I do not take drugs; I give away my essential Buffout or Psycho pal. After that I see that he responds to me taking RadAway, and it clicks. Well, they are great, these people who think that taking a medicine to keep from poisoning radiation is bad. Next thing I know, I bet they'll be telling me how not to need a vaccine in the apocalypse.

They have always encouraged me to make friends with Samuel, who says he owns the Vault Dweller from Vault "not too far away" and doesn't remember how to find him. "This is the equivalent of a Canadian boyfriend and girl and I can't hang out with this dork.

I was expecting a black and white situation The Wastelanders. I thought the passengers would ask me if I wanted to kick a puppy, and the locals would need help building an orphanage. Instead, I was surprised. Decision making is especially fun when I can actually play a character, and I find that my high-profile, post-apocalyptic mother character has no real desire to play with a bunch of nerd and nerds nerds. I'll stay more with the attackers, thank you very much.

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New Fallout 76 to stretch, Wastelanders, it brings human NPCs back to Bethesda & # 39; s post-apocalyptic action RPG.

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