Everyone can benefit from treatment, especially ribbons. Although popular streamer Byron "hates" BernsteinThe live conversation with Dr. Alok Kanojia is not a formally designated consulting session, and is sometimes similar.
Bernstein is the former top leader World of Warcraft Players and current broadcasters are now developing their own online games, Everland. Over the years, he has been quite open in mental health. On Twitter, he said he had Both frustrated And bipolarHe took a break from streaming At low tide. Earlier this week, after a "group of people chatting" told him to give it a try, he decided Continue to see Dr. Alok Kanojia, psychiatrist Hope to discuss depression. Canoga Convulsions He was described as a psychiatrist, and his training included work at Harvard Medical School, McLean Hospital, and Massachusetts General Hospital. He has discussions about mental health and meditation, and regularly distributes recommendations to viewers and sometimes other participants. He also noted that he "does not provide medical services or professional consultations online" and that his Twitch and Discord communities "health gamers" "cannot replace professional medical services." Kanojia describes himself as a firm conviction in "leading-edge technology." "Neurochemical Research" and "Oriental Meditation Techniques", he hopes to show the power of the latter with Bernstein.
In the stream, the two delved into Bernstein's history. When Bernstein peaked at the same time as the audience reached 10,000 (the total may exceed this number after speaking), Bernstein said he was diagnosed with bipolar disorder II, and his six At that time, his then 21-year-old brother committed suicide. He also talked about his subsequent suicide attempts. He also discussed details of treatment history, including specific drugs and their effects on him. He mentioned that there was only one drug that really muzzled the negative "cycle of thought" and other problems he suffered. After a round of questioning, Canoga said he hoped to give Bernstein some meditation skills to cultivate the feeling of no cure.
But first, there are more problems. The two started a lengthy discussion involving Bernstein's childhood. Kanojia focuses on trying to understand the root causes of depression in Bernstein; although he believes the fight against mental illness like depression is lifelong for many, he believes it is rooted in This can help people get "transformative experiences," which he has witnessed in his psychiatric practice. This led to a discussion about why Bernstein found the goal and not the other pursuits in creating Everland. Canoga asked Bernstein what was different about making this game.
Bernstein replied, "I like what I want to give people when they are young."
"Who focuses on whom?" Kanogar asked. "Who are you thinking?"
For a moment, Bernstein said nothing. Then he cried and said, "People who have experienced me."
Canoga affirmed Bernstein's feelings: "You are working to cure the depression that children suffer today," he said. "You are trying to protect them from what happened."
Later, when Bernstein encountered an idea that was "pure" when he was a kid, he cried again. He just wanted to play games and was as good at games as his brothers. Canoga said the loss of that purpose was what caused Bernstein's frustration.
"If you want to get rid of the root cause of depression, you have to help the child inside you," Canoga said. "You have to help you. That's what you need. That's where the injury is. That's the source of depression. … that's where the meaning of your life is lost. Meaning is taken away. You won't have enough meaning until one day. All you have to do is distract yourself and reduce stress by distracting. "
Canoga says Bernstein is working through creation Everland, Make games for kids like him, or further develop your own kid version.
The two then used some meditation techniques to focus on controlling breathing while blocking different sides of the nose. Bernstein said that following them he felt "relaxed, happy and beautiful."
Although the meeting seemed to have some benefits for Bernstein, Its elements are questionable. Kano has delved into what he considers to be the central issue of Bernstein at an alarming rate, Illustrative statement about how Bernstein might be neat Relief. He did all of this in front of a fairly large audience, not privately. Kanojia insists that it does not provide online counselling services, but the audience feels like a fast-forward version of the treatment course I attended. Bernstein and his audience are at least partly due to Kanojia's qualifications as a psychiatrist. This can have many effects, such as changing the nature of Canoga or Bernstein's comments to something more expressive, forcing them to tangled objects that take weeks or months of nuances to fully unravel Bow to pay tribute, or give bad actors an audience of nearly one million in Bernstein-who is said to have tried to convince him to live his own life-other ammunition.
Kosaku Contact Kanojia to learn more about the rationale behind his streaming discussions, but as of the publication of this magazine, he had not heard back. But Bernstein Tell Kosaku He was happy to participate in the competition, and he felt happy to show the audience how to deal with the trauma.
"Make me cry very healthy," Bernstein told Kosaku In the email. "It feels better after opening. Now I have nothing to hideDon't worry, everything is there. Waking up today feels healthier. "
Bernstein says he has been treated for psychiatric "over the past few years," including therapists who are open to other methods, such as psilocybin, a psychedelic drug that occurs in mushrooms, which the FDA recently referred Designated as "Breakthrough Therapy". He said it was good for him in other ways too.
"It will definitely help to hear my thoughts about ideas that are vital to my life," he said, noting that Canoga did not call it a treatment "for legal reasons," so he did not call it It ’s treatment (however, he does call it “therapy” Title of his stream). "I don't know if I am doing Everland At the age of six, I had no family to play games with. This makes me cry, just type it now. After talking to me for a few hours from a stranger stranger, it felt strange. "
Bernstein now plans to upload the conversation to YouTube, hoping to set an example for others.
"Dr. Kanojia confirmed that he is happy with the conversation posted on YouTube, so my editor will post the conversation on the reckfulTV channel in the morning," Bernstein said. "It should be of help to many others. Several influencers reached out to me and said they were crying while watching their wounds."