3:00: Point News
31:15: Gears Tactics
58:50: Turn Joystick
1:26:40: XCOM: Chimera Squad
1:42:20: Musical intermission
1:52:20: Streets of Rage 4
The tactic of XCOM: Chimera Squad is the attack. It does not pretend to stick in the wheels of its direct competitor Gears Tactics, with an aggressive pricing policy. If its game system is strong, we warn you about its technical aspect, unlike the first tactical in the world of Gears of War, which arrives in an armored box. This challenger brings a real breath of fresh air which excuses some weaknesses, which Gautoz describes to you in detail.
But the star of this show, in the heart of the editorial staff, is Streets of Rage 4, who has the difficult task of holding the rank of his legendary series. Without revealing too much, the mission is accomplished, we return at length to this French production at the end of the program. Don't worry, the Point news, the Turn Joystick (with an unmissable criticism of Sakura Wars by Father Fidalbion) and theMusical intermission are there. Good viewing.