Shirley Curry is a well-known skyscraper for Skim, the fifth game of the Betderda Old scroll. Plus, everyone knows him as "Grandpa Skyrim," because of his age. And Shirley's beautiful one is eighty, years that do not stop him from enjoying and making others happy her favorite: video games.
His influence has reached the point that a respected modes team has worked for one year to add it to his favorite sport. Also, after months of work, they showed the first details of Skyrim's grandmother's appearance in the show.
Shirley Curry, an arms writer took on Skirim
Curry will be the more mod character of the game. That is, it will be one of many that will accompany us on our journey and not a simple NPC. This means that it will have its own programs, collaborations and individual recorded dialogue lines. In addition they also confirmed that it would be a shooter with light weapons and both weapons. And there will be good bow handling.
This will not be Shirley's only intervention in the saga, because Bethesda herself has confirmed that they are working to include her in The Old Scroll VI. An article that has yet to go on a departure date, but is already rumored to be its nickname.