The company lets you sign documents remotely for free


The company lets you sign documents remotely for free

Company, documents, free, lets, remotely, Sign

Current status on the proliferation of coronavirus forcing many to work from home, available to you for specific advice, to make it easier. Even if you work from home, many professionals and companies need to sign documents regularly, a slow process at home. Fortunately, companies like a certified ID make their services available to these professionals, for free.

Certified ID is an electronic signature company, which can be useful in all kinds of sectors (public administration, human resources, banking, insurance, sales …). Because of its services, companies and employees may sign documents remotely and do it for free.

Free electrical signature

Until April 30, a certified ID provides the possibility for companies and professionals Use a remote signature for free. As a result of this option it will be possible to sign documents, or send them for signature, at home. The whole process becomes easier in this way and will allow them to perform their tasks efficiently, as if they were in their offices.

If you use a remote signature or electronic signature, processes should not be interrupted waiting for someone to sign the document manually. In certain companies or sectors, where they are now supposed to operate very quickly, but can be in the same environment, this is an important factor. This signature will focus on all kinds of activities or processes within the organization itself.

Also, the electronic signature of a certified ID is very easy to use, can be used both on the phone and on the computer. For a few clicks or keys, this signature can be used in any document where needed. So for many companies or professionals it is a great help to remember.

How to use a verified ID signature

We will be able to create this signature on our computer and Android phone. The steps to follow are simple, filling out personal or company details, which will be required, when signing documents. To store this data, we can create a signature, which we will use in documents remotely. The steps are:

  1. Enter this link.
  2. Fill in the fields on that screen, with your and your company's data.
  3. Accept the terms and conditions of their use.
  4. Click the Sign Up button.
  5. You will receive an email or message to confirm your registration.
  6. Make sure it's you.
  7. Your signature is ready to use.

By signing up for a verified ID, you can get started just use this remote signature for your documents. When signing a document, such as a PDF file, we will have to introduce ourselves, to show that we are the signatory. In this case, a two-phase verification system is used, whereby the code will be sent via SMS, to define when we sign this document.

Until April 30 it is possible to use a verified ID for free. Of course for many professionals who are forced to work from home because of the coronavirus it is good news and it is an excellent service.

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