
Apple could sell its $ 2 billion iPhone number by 2020

Apple, billion, iPhone, number, sell


Analyst ratings set the value 2,000 million units iPhone was sold in 2020 or 2021 (via Cult of Mac).

They believe that Apple will reach the number of 195 million units sold from its precious smartphone in the 2020 financial results (in September) and if they continue that pace of sales they can reach 2000 million iPhone sales by the end of December 2020, on Christmas Days

Apple has transferred $ 1 billion worth of iPhone sales in 2016, nearly a decade after the launch of the first iPhone. And now in just four years, they have sold another billion iPhone. Something has been impressive since the sale of smartphones worldwide has dropped significantly in recent years. Also, if you look at how smartphones are now more expensive, it's amazing to think how high the company's revenue has been since 2016.

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$ 2 billion worth of iPhone


Not many companies are enjoying the good fortune and popularity that has allowed Apple to quickly get to this attractive number of iPhone sales. When the signing of the bitten apple sold its $ 1 billion number, Tim Cook posted the following message on Apple's official website:

“The iPhone has been one of the most important, most successful and revolutionary products in history. It has become more than just a constant companion. The iPhone is an integral part of our daily lives and enables us to do many things we do during the day. ”

Apparently, the $ 2 billion worth of iPhone sold means a combination of Selling each iPhone model. Some of the most popular sales rates were the iPhone 6, iPhone 6 Plus, iPhone SE and iPhone X.

It is likely that Apple will reach that number this year, because it will be the year when Apple finally begins to revolutionize 5G connectivity.

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