Although it may seem obvious to some, Knowing how to play video games is a learning process and it's not that simple, especially for the little ones in the house. Also, have the support and constant help from the Internet and gaming websites It is not exactly good if we use them constantly to avoid frustrations or extra work as players, something that is necessary to become a good gamer. A Japanese mother, @@ bCp1Lh7C7pWatx8 on Twitter, recognizes that Children need to be educated without much use of the Internet to discover the true magic of video games.
Below you can see his two posts on Twitter in which, in summary, he comments that does not allow their children to use guides to play RPGs and that urged them to talk to all the inhabitants of the village before continuing. Illustrate this fact with your own experience in role playing, telling that his interaction with a merchant in an RPG that only offered the sale / purchase option behind the counter, offered him a completely different dialogue behind the table.
カ ウ ン タ ー 越 し に は 営 業 ト ー ク し か し な い 道具屋 の お じ さ ん に 店 の 裏 口 か ら 入 っ て 話 し か け た ら 重要 な ヒ ン ト を く れ た あ の 時 の 胸 の 高 鳴 り は 忘 れ ら れ な い. 我 が 子 よ, そ れ こ そ が RPG の 喜 び で はな い か と 母 は 思 う の で す。
– 6 等 星 (@ bCp1Lh7C7pWatx8) December 2, 2019
Thus, it coincides with many of those who answered their tweet that It is mandatory to play for yourself, without Internet help, to discover everything that games can offer you, what they have prepared for explore and see for yourself, sailing the seas of an overflowing imagination.