The franchise of YakuzaDespite its comic touches, it is known for being focused on an adult audience with quite mature stories that revolve around the well-known Japanese mafia. So, on this occasion, we come to share an anecdote about its creator, Toshihiro Nagoshi, which in a recent interview with SEGA Europe did not hesitate to state that Nintendo consoles are «Directed towards children and adolescents»Which is why it’s unlikely we’ll see any more Yakuza titles on them after the first ones were released on Wii U a few years ago.
We leave you with your statements:
I think that even today, Nintendo consoles are played by a wide range of people of various ages, however, I think their hardware is geared towards children and teenagers …
You can see the interview that collects these statements from minute 12:00 in the video below:
What do you think? Do you agree with what was said? Do not hesitate to leave it in the comments!