Articles for author: NinFan


US: Nintendo offers a 50% discount on NES Switch member controllers

To celebrate the 50th installment of the NES game, Nintendo is offering a 50% discount on the Nintendo Entertainment System Controllers compatible Nintendo Switch set. From tomorrow until Jan. 10, 2020, Nintendo switchch Online members with paid membership can purchase these controllers for $ 29.99 per visit. Entertainment-system-controllers.html. Source: Nintendo of America Thus: Like ...


price and all features

After months of rumors and leaks, Huawei has finally officially launched new models for its Nova 6 series. Despite the ban imposed by the United States Government, the company's plans continue, and this is shown today by noting one, not two, but three new terminals They reach the top of their mid-range catalog. This trio ...


Japan: Nintendo Switch has now released PlayStation 3

New video data released in Japan has revealed that the Nintendo switchch family of systems has now unveiled Sony's legacy system, the PlayStation 3 in Japan. Nintendo switchch has now sold 10,432,570 units in Japan, and by 2016, PlayStation 3 had sold 10,248,867 units. The next clue for Nintendo Switch is to release the Wii ...