Zhu Yuan is an S-rank Ether character with the Attack specialty Zero zone without zenwho debuted as the second limited-time character in Version 1.0 on his Unswerving Bullet banner.
If you are considering supporting her, it is good to know that best Zhu Yuan build in Zenless Zone Zero so you can get the most out of your kit. This includes the best Zhu Yuan player discsTHE best weapon Zhu Yuanand the Zhu Yuan’s best teams to use.
If you’re looking for more general information, be sure to check out our Zhu Yuan Gear and Kit page for more details on her base passives, the gear you need to promote her, and what you need to upgrade Zhu Yuan’s skills.
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Zhu Yuan’s Best Build
We have more detailed explanations and alternative choices below, but at a glance, here’s what we consider to be the best Zhu Yuan build in Zenless Zone Zero:
- Best weapon: Mark VI S-Rank Riot Suppressor.
- Best Training Disc Set:4 pieces of Chaotic Metal and 2 pieces of Swing Jazz.
- Best team:Nicole and Anby.
How to play Zhu Yuan
While getting the ideal DPS (damage per second) combos can be difficult, Zhu Yuan actually has a very simple playstyle, as all you really have to do is build upgraded pellet cartridges, then use them in its suppressive mode to deal massive Aether damage. Even if you don’t go for the best damage combos when building or using the Upgraded Shotshells, Zhu Yuan deals massive Aether damage, meaning you can kill most enemies without having to think too much about combos.
Zhu Yuan’s Suppressive Mode is activated by holding down the basic attack button for a charged attack (releasing the button returns her to Assault Mode), but it is automatically triggered when her EX Special Attack, Chain Attack, and Ultimate are used.
Another tip you can use while playing Zhu Yuan is to move left or right when performing a dodge attack in suppressive modeas it deals massive Aether damage when she has upgraded pellet rounds. This move is also one of the main ways to chain Zhu Yuan’s most effective attacks into her best combos.
You’ll also want to preferentially attack with Zhu Yuan’s Improved Shot Shells when an enemy is stunned, as Zhu Yuan deals even more damage with Improved Shot Shells to stunned enemies as part of his base passive.
Zhu Yuan obtains improved lead cartridges:
- On the fourth or fifth hit of his basic attack combo (an upgraded pellet round).
- After follow-up assistance (three improved lead cartridges).
- After an EX special attack (three enhanced pellet rounds).
- After a chain attack (three upgraded pellet cartridges).
- After an Ultimate (three Improved Shot Cartridges).
In our experience, the fastest and most reliable way to create enhanced cartridges is to use Zhu Yuan’s basic attacks and activate his EX special attack at the right time.
Just keep in mind that activating Zhu Yuan’s EX Special Attack puts her into Suppression Mode, so make sure you have at least five Upgraded Pellet Shells before using it if you want to get the most out of the attack. The same goes for using her Ultimate and Chain Attacks, as they also automatically trigger Suppression Mode.
Zhu Yuan’s Best Teams
Zhu Yuan’s best team is with Nicole and Anbybut Lycaon can be a good replacement for Anby in terms of stun due to his excellent daze abilities.
For now, you should still plan on having Nicole in your Zhu Yuan team, as she has incredible Aether support abilities with her Core Passive and when her Energy Field is active and you quickly switch to Zhu Yuan after deploying the field. Not playing Zhu Yuan with Nicole greatly reduces Zhu Yuan’s DPS capabilities.
You’ll also generally want to play Zhu Yuan with a stunned character, as his primary passive increases the damage of his enhanced rounds even more when an enemy is stunned. This is more important when facing bosses than groups of lower-level enemies, however.
Anby is the perfect choice for stuns because of her faction bonus with Nicole, but Lycaon is so good that he can replace Nicole if you have Anby on another team, or if you just prefer to use him. If you use Lycaon, then Rina can replace Nicole if you really need to use Nicole on another team, as Rina has a faction bonus with Lycaon, and is generally a great support character.
Best Zhu Yuan Player Discs
The 4 rooms Chaotic metal is the best set of Conduct Discs for Zhu Yuan in Zenless Zone Zero, as its 2 pieces increase his Aether damage, and its 4 pieces increase Zhu Yuan’s critical damage passively, and even more when a character in the squad triggers the additional damage from the Corruption effect.
Alternatively, you can use the 4-piece Electro Puffer or 4 rooms Electro Peak if they have better sub-statistics.
As for your 2-room apartment, we recommend using Jazz swing for its energy regeneration, but you can also use Puffer Electro, Woodpecker Electro, Hormone Punkor Chaotic Metal for more attack buffs instead, depending on what 4-piece set you have and what has better sub-stats.
Zhu Yuan’s Best Weapons
As it is its signature W-Engine, the S-Rank Mark VI Riot Suppressor is Zhu Yuan’s best weapon in Zenless Zone Zero. It passively increases Zhu Yuan’s Attack, Critical Damage, and Critical Rate, while landing an EX Special Attack grants him eight Charge Charge stacks. Each time Zhu Yuan’s Basic Attack deals Aether damage, one Charge Charge stack is consumed to increase the skill’s damage by 35%.
If you don’t have Zhu Yuan’s signature, you can use S rank Sulfur instead for his passive attack boost, with Zhu Yuan’s attack increasing even further when he hits an enemy with a basic attack, sprint attack, or counter-dodge. S-Rank Steel cushion can also be used as a critical rate “stat stick”, but remember to try to hit enemies from behind to also benefit from the weapon’s extra damage boost.
As for A-rank options, as long as Zhu Yuan’s crit rate is relatively high, we suggest using the Cannon Rotor W-Engine, as it increases his damage when he lands a critical hit, and passively increases Zhu Yuan’s attack and critical rate.
If you don’t have a cannon rotor or can’t meet its critical rate requirements, then Starlight Engine is good for boosting Zhu Yuan’s attack if you often use dodge counters or quick assists with her, and Street Superstar can also work if your team does a lot of chain attacks, focus on triggering Zhu Yuan’s ultimate.
Until you get one of these options, we recommend using Rank B. Lunar Plenilunaas it increases Zhu Yuan’s damage when she uses her basic attack, quick attack, or counter dodge.
All the best Zhu Yuan buildings in Zenless Zone Zero!
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