The fate of the solar system hangs in the balance Destiny 2 but NONE OF THIS MATTERS BECAUSE ARCHIE THE DOG EXO IS MISSING!
Look, maybe humanity will be wiped out forever in Destiny 2, but that doesn’t matter if the Archangel, better known as Archie, isn’t doing well. We’ve already found it while solving the deep mysteries of Seraph Station. This time we’ll search high and low in the tower to hunt down this best space dog and win the prize. Where is Archie in the system? Triumph while we’re at it.
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How to find Archie in Destiny 2
‘Where is Archie in the system?‘ is a triumph linked to a secret quest in Destiny 2. To complete it, you will have to follow a series of clues in The Tower to find out the whereabouts of Archangel, the beloved robot dog.
First, you’ll need to visit Archie’s typical location near Ada-1, just down the stairs from Ikora Ray. Examine the paw prints you see near the carpet, then go visit Ada, who will assign you the question Where is Archie in the tower? quest.
You will need to solve four clues to complete this quest. At the first three you will look for more paw prints, the last clue will lead you to Archie himself.
The clues are:
Archie heard about something called “ramen” and had to see what it was.
The Ramen Shop is at the edge of the courtyard across from Ikora Ray. Look inside the store.
Achie wanted to go pay homage to a famous gunslinger.
Visit the Cayde-6 Memorial in the central location of the tower, near the tree in the back left corner as you face the city.
Archie went through security to greet a feathered friend.
The feathered friend worth saluting is of course the Colonel, a chicken who resides in the shed near the Amanda Holiday memorial.
Archie’s final stop. He wandered into an open air duct in the hangar and may have gotten a little lost. A friendly security cadre watches over him.
There is a staircase and an opening leading to the air vents near the hangar entrance. Enter and follow the path until you reach a small room. Now turn around and go through the door leading to the tower security office. Archie will be waiting for you to come say hello.
Once you have greeted Archie, return to Ada to return the quest. After that, prompt for the message “Where is Archie in the system?” triumph in your menu. Now you can get back to less important things, like the fate of all life in the galaxy.
Who is Archie in Destiny 2?
Archie is a dog. But also a robot. But also perhaps the last Warmind, a hyper-intelligent army? Ok, that’s a lot, but we can explain.
Archie is an Exo, a self-aware machine containing the uploaded mind of a living creature. The Exo were meant to house the human spirit in order to achieve a sort of immortality. How and why a dog became Exo is unclear.
What is clear is that Archie also contains the latest tracks from Rasputin, a powerful Warmind who defended Earth to the point of sacrificing himself to stop the Traveler’s destruction. Rasputin was created during the Golden Age to defend human civilization against potential threats, a job he performed on and off until it was (largely) destroyed by the arrival pyramid ships, uploaded to his own Exo Frame, then destroyed in order to bring down the Warsat network.
Before his disappearance, Rasputin left pieces of his code in Archie. It’s unclear if this was to use Archie as a black box to store information, or if part of his consciousness actually resides with this robot dog. But we know Archie can be petted, and that’s what really matters.