How to get and craft the Fiery Glow Outfit in Infinity Nikki

The Boss

How to get and craft the Fiery Glow Outfit in Infinity Nikki

Craft, Fiery, Glow, Infinity, Nikki, outfit

THE Fiery Glow Outfit was added to Infinity Nikki With the Fireworks Islands area in version 1.2.

This steampunk-themed outfit is thankfully not a limited-time costume, as you can unlock and draft it at any time after version 1.2 as part of the “Brilliant Fireworks” quest chain in Infinity Nikki.

To help you get it as soon as possible, we have detailed How to Get a Fiery Glow in Infinity Nikki Below, with all the materials you need fiery glow craft.

On this page:

How to Get a Fiery Glow in Infinity Nikki

You must work your way through the “Fireworks: Part 1” training in the “Chapter 1: The Wonderful Journey” Exclusive Quest on Firework Isles to unlock the Wishfield node containing the Fiery Glow Outfit Sketch in Infinity Nikki. It only costs 10,000 bling to unlock from the Heart of Infinity.

Next, to get the wearable outfit, you need to collect all the materials and craft a fiery glow from the Sketch menu.

Holding fiery glow in the heart of infinity in infinite nikki.

Image credit: eurogamer/infold games

The Fiery Glow node will not be visible in the WishField portion of the Heart of Infinity until you work through “The Wonderful Journey” quest, which only unlocks once you complete the quest from “Wish Gathering” in Chapter 2 of Infinity Nikki's main story.

Don't worry, 'The Marvelous Journey' is a permanent quest, so it's always available no matter which version you play Infinity Nikki in! So you can take as long as you like to explore other areas of Miraland before making your way to the fiery glow outfit.

Additionally, if you want the Fiery Glow outfit evolution, Fiery Glow: Wonder, then you need to create the outfit again, get shiny X1 thoughts, and then evolve it from the “evolution” menu.

The Fiery Glow Wonder held at Infinity Nikki.

Image credit: eurogamer/infold games

How to Draft a Fiery Glow in Infinity Nikki

Fortunately, the Materials You Need to Craft a Fiery Glow in Infinity Nikki are not that difficult to obtain:

  • x2 BlastPollen – Collect in the fireworks islands on clear nights.
  • X2 hare powder – Collect anywhere in Wishfield.
  • X5 Daisy – Collect anywhere in Wishfield.
  • X300 Purity wire – Can farm from the Escalation Domain.
  • 60,000 bling – Can farm from the Escalation Domain.

Crafting Menu for Fiery Sparkle in Infinity Nikki.

Image credit: eurogamer/infold games

Hope you enjoy using the fireworks ability! If you need more help with Nikki's wardrobe, check out our Tenits page and how to get and build Silvergale's Ariosa and Aria outfits.

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