5 PUBG keys on the Xbox One for 2020


5 PUBG keys on the Xbox One for 2020

keys, PUBG, Xbox

Though the main focus on PUBG remains its PC community, in the two years, since its first introduction to the Xbox One through Game Preview, its growth in console has been growing. The outbreak of war has been creating a public spotlight and, albeit a slow one, the game is improving both on technical and content issues, and on console. And now, the development team has shared what it will be 5 buttons for the game for this 2020 season. So the stories and changes we will find in them PUBG on Xbox One, and on the PS4, this year they'll all be related to these topics.

Improve quality control to provide stable and continuous performance.

In this regard, there are two very focused ones. On the other hand is surgery, which has been a problem for a long time in this game. In this way, the commitment is to try to improve the load of the drawings and to avoid situations where some players see some formats being loaded while others can do it, especially at the beginning of games. Another focus is on the functionality of the framework. The goal is to reach maximum fps speeds, and how these are available regardless of the use. That is, it doesn't matter if it is played on the Xbox One X or Xbox One S, the same applies to different versions of the PS4.

Also enter the content gap between PC and console versions.

Since the release of the console version 1.0, both platforms have been getting closer in terms of content. However, PUBG version of Xbox One and PS4 just keep going a few steps behind this.

Console limited settings to best fit the console environment and control in the console.

There are some features of the console version because of their features and surroundings. Control and execution are very distinguishing features. In a sense, the balance when measuring both weapons and vehicles does not have to be the same as it does on a PC. The purpose in this case is to pay close attention to the console environment itself and the players' circumstances when making future cash adjustments.

Ensure anti-fraud detection and DDoS protection.

The PUBG version on Xbox One and PS4 has also been affected by other types of mini deception and DDoS attacks. The sad state of the players, and how the team will continue to fight for 2020.

Provide better and new ways to interact with players.

This is about trying to improve how the development team manages to interact with the players. In other words, they provide more and better ways to interact with the console community, attend to their complaints and requests, and better communicate the status of development and newsletter.

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