Cybercrime is something that is not safe for them, hackers or hackers use every day in any way to their advantage and use the money of others.
We have always encouraged the reliable use of parental comfort, in this same home as you give us the keys taking advantage of the parental control the Xbox has. Today it is the safest console for the little ones in the house.
Xbox, Fifa and long trick
If the mother of three Lesley Urwin had read our recommendations, perhaps today she would not have regretted it. Sche history It starts with fraud by some hackers who have taken advantage of the innocence of their children to steal up to 36,000 Points. The purchase is made in three bands, £ 76 per package.
After emphasizing Microsoft several times, she wishes my mother didn't get the solution she needed. The executive branch indicated that no follow-up occurred, remaining silent for 11 months.
I lost count of the number of times I phoned and emailed Microsoft. Guys don't have Xbox Live almost every year as a result because I'm not going to let them in. I'm tired of fighting and want to warn others. None of this is our fault.
I received an email stating that I bought three of the 12,000 points, each costing £ 79.99. I couldn't believe it.
According to his account, Microsoft repeatedly told him to return the money, but he never saw the money reflected in his Tesco Bank account. After a while and after the abuse case, it looks like he can finally get the money stolen from him. Tesco Bank confirmed the following:
We have strict controls and procedures to protect our customers from fraud and we are very happy to know that this matter has been resolved.
We always emphasize the need and responsibility of parents to have their Xbox optimized for these types of problems. Microsoft's machine has many options that could have avoided all of this.