The last year 2019 was one of the busiest events we remember in the video game industry, however it seems that the person is promising to be more transported due to the big bags coming in the coming months.
Another milestone is DoOM Eternal, following an article released in 2016 and coming four years later, although scheduled to arrive in November 2019, Id Software are forced to delay the launch for a few months.
DoOM Forever is the best of the research it has received so far
And that we are approaching this anticipated game that finally reaches to satisfy the wishes of many fans of this agreement. Warming up the engines, yesterday we saw a new historical trailer for which we will live forever on DoOM, which is fitted with action and blood in equal parts.
But if all of the above weren't enough, some developers behind the title went to the media claiming that this is the best work they've ever received, one of them being Billy Khan, one of the great programmers, which I'm really proud of what they created with DoOM Eternal and make sure it's the best game ever made by Id Software.
DoOM Eternal is the best game we've ever made. It's glorious. I can't wait for everyone to finally play it. It runs smooth butter. Fighting is as fluid as silk. IdTech7 suppresses such geometric information. Image quality with bonuses. Have fun!
– Billy Khan January 14, 2020
Despite the words of this employee and consumers going for a good pint, we will have to wait until March 20 to be able to look at all this first hand, as we have been seeing since 2018, DoOM Eternal seems to be learning from past game mistakes and improving on many levels, So the desire to play it is really high.