It didn’t take long for the Ukrainian government to react to the game’s release Atomic Heart. Oleksandr Bornyakov, Deputy Minister of Digital Transformation, will urge Sony, Microsoft and Valve to remove the game from Ukraine’s digital stores. But in its dynamic also wants to withdraw Atomic Heart
The justification by the official statement highlights” Atomic Heart’s ideology, rooted in that of the Soviet Union”.
The ministry also justifies its request to other countries to “ its toxicity, the potential for data recovery, and the use of the profits collected to fund Russian forces in the war in Ukraine. »
A request that was quite predictable given the current conflict in Ukraine. Mundfish would have received funds for development from Russian sources (companies, banks), which inevitably causes uneasiness on the Ukrainian side. Now it remains to see the response of those interested, without forgetting Focus Entertainment, publisher of the game in many countries. Atomic Heart