Creative Director, leaving new tracks


Creative Director, leaving new tracks

Creative, director, Leaving, tracks

There have been a lot of jokes and rumors going on about the new Assassin Cars that were taken during the Nordic era. Rumors never stop happening and in fact, in some cases it is too hard to believe to give them credit.

The fact is that the whole idea of ​​how this new installment is set in the Nordic military struggle and how they deal with the stage of assassins in the shadows sounds powerful and intriguing.

The new Assassin Empire & # 39; s Creed or Ragnarok?

The fact is that the leak is still suspected. But far from that, just we would like to keep the visibility. And wherever the game is set, it is known that there is a new Assassin & # 39; s Creed in the Ubisoft oven.

In fact, the director of the shareholder Ashraf Ismail, has given a short but accurate answer. To the question "What's the best video game ever?" The answer is a simple "wait" for what it's like to define its next topic.

These names are in line with what Insider Shinobi has to say, so whether it's in Viking times or not, that seems pretty obvious. Assassin's new culture should be shown to the public. Surely the words of Ubisoft's creative director are exciting, we'll see him soon?

Joshua Angel

Jose Angel

Managing this house since 2014. I love playing with all those achievements and am a huge fan of Microsoft products.

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