Five years after the release of his latest installment, Rebellion returns to the main door with the fourth installment of his famous zombie killing franchise, The Zombie Army; and that from today we can begin to enjoy Zombie Army 4: Dead War and send Hitler to his Nazi zombies parties deep in hell.
At Xbox Generation we were fortunate enough to enjoy this great article and prove its quality as you can see from the analysis we've done, but if you need more than our word to get Zombie Army 4: War Dead, Rebel has just published an amazing trailer that will convince you without hesitation.
Free Europe from the undead soldiers in Zombie Army 4: War Dead
In Zombie Army 4: Dead Warfare we will replace the members of one of the most powerful groups fighting to liberate Europe from the yoke of the zombies that unintentionally destroyed after Hitler's death, but we will soon find out The bad grass is immortal, and as a result, Hitler is back to water Europe again with death and destruction.
One or more groups of up to four people We have to make our way through endless crowds of Nazi zombies in various places in southern Europe. Fortunately we will have more than enough arsenal
Get ready to face an endless army made up of hordes of Nazi zombies armed with chains, machine guns and firefighters who will do their best to end your life and that of your friends; as you can see in the article, there are many and other zombies have chosen to give up food brains and become, for example, boxers or gondoliers.