This year, the Blue Bomber turns 35, and fans are thrilled with a new announcement from Capcom. Mega Man habrá visto 35 diciembres en unos días más y sus desarrolladores han hecho bastante poco para commemorar este hito, apenas algunos products con personajes de la franquicia y poco más, pero aun así hay indicios de que Capcom tiene guardadas un par de sorpresas bajo la sleeve.
In 2018, Mega Man 11 arrived, featuring a new 2.5D graphics style that retained the essence of classic 8-bit and 16-bit titles and was highly praised by fans. Following this new release, we’ve had a few compilations of other episodes from the series, so nothing brand new material, but that might change soon.
Do we have a new Mega Man?
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The website Corner Rockmanalways attentive to the news of the beloved robot character, noticed a curious detail, namely that the domains of the Mega Man 12, Mega Man 13, Mega Man 14 and Mega Man 15 websites have been updated this year after being registered by the GMO Internet group, in 2018. This company is in charge of this type of task for Capcom, and has done so with other brand franchises such as Devil May Cry and Resident Evil.
This detail added to the anniversary of the saga leads us to look forward to a sequel to Mega Man 11, which was in fact one of the best-selling titles in the saga with 1.6 million units to its credit. counting all the platforms and exceeding the most expensive. Mega Man 2 which added 1.51 million units.