A British man was sentenced to four months in prison and a fine for carrying a Zelda sword replica.
Replicas of objects from films, series or video games are a great thing. But if they are replicas of weapons, you should not take them out in public.
This mistake has now become a fatality for a Briton. He has been sentenced to four months in prison.
Anthony Bray (48) was arrested in Nuneaton, Warwickshire, for carrying a replica of the Master Sword from the Legend of Zelda games.
Police spotted him on surveillance cameras walking through Nuneaton town centre with the sword in front of him.
The miniature replica has a 6-inch blade. Police arrested him for carrying a blade, as it is illegal in the UK to carry most stabbing weapons without a valid reason.
“We have a zero tolerance policy for bladed objects in public and Bray did not comply with that,” said Sergeant Spellman of Warwickshire Police’s Investigation Unit.
“It’s possible to find fidget toys that don’t have six-inch blades. It’s possible to not walk around the street with them, brandishing them in front of you. With a little more self-awareness, Bray could have avoided contact with us altogether.”
In addition to four months in prison, Bray must also pay £154 (around $182) in the form of a victim surcharge.
You can find pictures of the replica on warwickshire.police.uk see.