Franchise armament of war has been criticized in recent years for its lack of evolution. The semi-open world has come to give a certain fresh air to the saga, but it has not finished convincing. But it might have been very different after the closure of the original trilogy.
Blezsinski cliff, who led the development of the original trilogy of armament of war at Epic Games, he was recently featured on the XboxEra Podcast. When talking about the developer’s initial plans for Gears of War 4revealed that he was considering making it a first-person it would change the formula of the third-person shooter in a very big way.
“Yes, I can tell you that I wanted to consider going in first person.he said (via VGC). “Can you imagine hacking a cricket in first person?” He didn’t give any further details, but that was more than enough to pique fans’ interest.
This was, of course, before Microsoft ended up acquiring the intellectual property of Epic Games. The franchise was handed over to The Coalition studio and the rest is history.
It remains to be seen what the future holds for the franchise with a Speeds 6 which promises to use Unreal Engine 5. Would you have liked that first-person Gears. From Xbox Area we bring you all the news of your favorite console.
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