Never stop dreaming. If you’re anything like me, you’ve dreamed of superpowers, aliens, and secret societies since you were eight. Here’s a game with a little bit of everything mixed up in a strange world that looks a lot like a third world country.
Ok, I know I said “weird”, but words like “different”, “funny” or “clever” are not enough to describe it Covered. Don’t get me wrong: I like weird and funny best. I like dark humor as much as the next one, and I’m one of those people who find it hard not to read between the lines every time I hear the news. Let’s face it, it’s hard to keep from worrying about conspiracy theories. Tell me, have you ever looked up to the sky and asked aliens to invade us now before it’s too late? Because I’ve done it many times!
I am only human and Covered doesn’t help at all. All of a sudden I came across a game that makes fun of politicians, questions all of society, has no respect for religion, talks about an ancient prophecy and makes you aware of secret societies. It’s like my childhood again.
Sometimes good looks, personable graphics, and good storytelling just aren’t enough. Sometimes you need super powers. And I’m not talking about flying around in a cloak or being that invincible guy. No fun there. I mean commanding a demon and being able to see everyone’s true intentions. This is where masks make the difference. Did someone say masks? Yes, there are a couple of them waiting for you.
Everyone has something to hide. From cruel intent to greed to a starved need for power, you name it. Therefore CoveredSociety was divided into levels where you could spot criminals, workers, politicians, and even famous people, and yes, you guessed it right, there is a mask for everyone.
When the studio told me about this project I had to say yes almost immediately as my inner alien / believing child would be bouncing up and down.
Well, I’ve said too much and the game isn’t even available yet. But it will read the above teaser soon and in the meantime. Then we can compare notes.
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