The creator of the Windows gaming handheld mode for devices like Steam Deck wants to use the new attention to present visions again.
Following reports of experiments with a Windows gaming handheld mode, Reddit user AndrewMT has spoken out. According to him, the idea has not led to any further steps at Microsoft.
On Twitter had users _h0x0d_ a video Leaked from the prototype of a Windows gaming handheld mode. AndrewMT gave asubmitting the idea to the Microsoft hackathon.
This did not take place behind closed doors, because in September 2022 he had tried to Reddit post Get ideas and support for your pitch from the community.
While the presentation was arguably well received, and even Phil Spencer tried to bring the right people together, nothing more than the prototype shown could be created.
In his recent post, he clarified, “I started this hackathon project and it didn’t do much, but this article puts it as if it’s something in development. The problem is that we just didn’t have the right engineers to do a lot of what we wanted to do in the short timeframe of the hackathon project. Maybe this weird article can help me bring the project back to Microsoft.”
“Phil Spencer was very nice and tried to get me to some people who could help me but everyone was too busy at the time.”
As you can see from the post, AndrewMT hasn’t given up on the idea and would like to use the attention to start a new pitch. All further developments in this area are therefore currently completely open.