Last December, Square Enix launched a web page to celebrate the NieR's 10th anniversary, a franchise created by renowned Japanese director, Yoko Taro. Appropriately, thanks to him and Josuke Saito who were able to know when it will be the 10th anniversary of the building, which gained immense popularity after the launch of NieR: Automata.
As Yosuke Saito shared on his Twitter account, the celebration of NieR's 10th anniversary March 29: “I'll do something on March 29. In the worst case, even if it's Yoko-san and I, we'll do something. Since it is the 10th anniversary, we will have ten hours. ” Given this comment, Yoko Taro remained silent, who replied to Saito and said "We will do this" via his Twitter account.
All of this after confirmation that the music for "Stage YoRHa ver 1.3aa" based on NieR: Automata, which was due to take place on March 12 and 15, 2020, would eventually be canceled due to continued coronavirus-related concerns. But this was the only work on the canceled Franchise, because NieR: Theatrical Orchestra 12020 was also canceled.
NieR Producer: Automata provides exciting details about the organization's 10th anniversary.
Although Saito and Taro did not share details on what we can see at the celebration NieR's 10th anniversary, there are several considerations available in this case. On the other hand, there's speculation that a reminder may come of the actual delivery, arriving at the market by Yoko Taro after turning one of Drakaard's edges into a newer frame than the one that came out. they reduce the balance favoring the first option over the second.
There is no doubt that next March 29 we will leave doubt, and we will finally find what Yoko Taro and Josuke Saito have planned for us. the tenth day of NieR.