Microsoft DirectStorage 1.1 now available, promises up to 3x faster loading with GPU decompression


Microsoft DirectStorage 1.1 now available, promises up to 3x faster loading with GPU decompression

decompression, DirectStorage, faster, GPU, loading, Microsoft, promises

Microsoft DirectStorage 1.1 now available, promises up to 3x faster loading with GPU decompression

This is one of the great promises of Windows 11. DirectStorage is a technology based on Xbox Velocity Architecture and which has a powerful impact on games, making their load much larger, also taking advantage of current SSDs more efficiently.

And when I say improved load times, I mean it in the strictest, most literal sense. The latest tests Microsoft showed us assumed Charge up to 200% faster thanks to decompression on the GPU. This technology also makes the CPU suffer less and less use is made of it, since CPU cycles no longer have to deal with this decompression work.

Microsoft DirectStorage 1.1 makes the CPU suffer less

Microsoft also clarified that we would have “additional optimizations on the read and write stack” for Windows 11 that will help you be faster. While the technology also works on Windows 10, DirectStorage reaches its full potential on Windows 11.

The good news is that GPU decompression with DirectStorage 1.1 is now available. This new version of DirectStorage contains everything a developer needs to get started with GPU decompression. Microsoft lists these improvements:

  • GPU decompression and GDeflate are now available.
  • Added EnqueueSetEvent to use Win32 event objects for completion notification.
  • Performance improvements and bug fixes.

Drivers to use it are already available for Nvidia and AMD. You will need to enter their respective support pages and update. However, this will depend on the specific studio or developer doing the implementation.

Jose Angel

Jose Angel

I’ve been running this house since 2014. I love playing all things achievement and am an avid fan of Microsoft products.

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