Phantom Spark Review, Quenching the Craving for a New Wipe Out


Phantom Spark Review, Quenching the Craving for a New Wipe Out

Craving, Phantom, Quenching, Review, Spark, Wipe

Phantom Spark is a futuristic hovercraft racing game that is very reminiscent of the Wipe Out games of the time.

Phantom Spark This is a title developed by Ghosts studio. This is a small Icelandic developer based in the city of Reykjavik (impossible to write without copying). This team was founded in 2021 and Phantom Spark is their first work.

The game is a classic “arcade” hovercraft racing game very close to the style of Wipe Out, the legendary PS1 game that won our hearts and which Textually owes a large part of its profits to the 90s. It can be said that Phantom Spark It’s practically a arcade. This becomes more than obvious as the game has virtually no story to give it context. We’re literally going to be running on rails with only the stopwatch as an argument.

Arcade game on all 4 sides.

The first race on each circuit will be against ourselves for the best time. After finishing it, there will be a second round on the same track where we will compete with our ghost tower previously played and a rival. This rival will be the lord of the region in which we find ourselves. To contextualize we will have 3 zones each with a boss, who we will face every time we complete a race.

Other arcade tint It’s the fast and short length of its tracks. The short duration of their races is quite similar to that of arcades. Some last only 30 seconds. It is true that the final tracks of each of the three sectors are much longer. Some last up to two minutes, but they are generally very easy to complete due to their short course and the ease of memorizing the course. We have a total of about. 33 titles which will give us about 4 hours of gameplay without focusing on completing it 100%.

Another of the great features of the arcade game is its playability. In Phantom Spark Basically we will use two buttons: accelerate and brake. With the direction joysticks, this will be the only thing we will have to do. Its gameplay is therefore quite simple and economical. There is no time to get bored since the duration of the title is quite short and we will focus on beating the times.

Ambiguous framework.

Even so, you lack a nitro button, a possibility to “chase” the exit to gain an advantage, which does not happen since you can accelerate when the fire starts to charge, and even so the exit will always be perfect. As for the graphics section, the game works well, it does not have great graphic displays and the scenarios or tracks are quite flat in terms of details. It is true however that they work well and provide a good feeling of speed.

They have some jump zones and other obstacle areas that animate the races, but in general they are quite concise in the graphics and details section. The entire graphic context of the game has an “arcane” touch, the scenarios are made of stone. , with a lot of sand and some parts of water that leave us with that feeling of being halfway between a futuristic and medieval area with magical connotations.


Phantom Spark This is a good speeder plane racing title. It is perfect for fans of the genre who have been waiting for a new Wipe Out for a while. However, others may be disappointed by its very “arcade” approach with short titles, no story and gameplay that works but is rather flat.

Another of its weak points is undoubtedly its duration, and in just 4 hours you can easily complete almost 100% of the achievements and tracks. However, its technical performances fr flawlessbug-free, with great fluidity and a very successful sense of speed. Until Wipe Out is reborn from its deeply dug grave, we can enjoy it Phantom Spark.

Phantom Spark


Phantom Spark


  • Sensation of speed and dizziness
  • No bugs and flawless performance


  • Short duration
  • Somewhat limited gameplay
  • Scenarios not very detailed
  • Lack of common thread

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