Just a few days ago, the excitement that finally re-imagined Warsters III: The Renewal, which will be a remake of one of the series' most-fought programming years, finally came to PC, but this time it will come with a fully-updated viewing feature and optimized for much-needed PCs.
Otherwise Blizzard also promised that they would look into it connect the story of this game with that of World of Warsters in a better way, add some different stories of the main characters, something that never happened, because Warsters III: Reinforcement is very similar to the original in several respects or doesn't improve at all.
If you believe something in Warsters III: Reinforcement is not yours, it's from Blizzard
As we've been seeing these days, it seems that the company's disputes are not over, with one reason being that the promises made in 2018 are not kept in the final product. At the same time you happen to see more successful work on the same year's Diz Blizzcon, as we showed recently.
But this thing seems to be out of place, for now it looks like Blizzard strengthen its policies when creating game modes and player content. Everything about the game planner that was in the original article and here, you will most likely belong to the company, that is, if for any reason we created the game mode as it did with DOTA in its day, it would not be our property, since by accepting the conditions proposed to us we delegate all our work.
In this way, they make sure that cases like the one mentioned above do not escape from the company's hands again.
All of these together form a great disappointment between the players and the community behind what the company is doing.