For those who are interested in the lore of Assassin’s Creed, today we learn that Roshan has become the “Master Assassin” in the famous fortress of Alamut. As a reminder, Alamut or Aluh-Amut was a fortress in Iran controlled by the Levantine Assassins in the 11th and 12th centuries. It was destroyed in 1256 after repeated attacks by the Mongol Empire, after which the region was abandoned.
Alamut Fortress was built in the IXe Century and housed at this time u advice held by the mentor Bloodyduring which theacolyte Hytham should be given a new title for the actions he has performed.[1]
Without knowledge of assassinthe fortress was on the site of an ancient temple of First Civilization contains dozens of commemorative seal.[2] Led by Hassan-i SabbāhAlamut became the center of Assassin activity. at middle Agesit was the main stronghold of the Brotherhood.
around 1227, Altaïr Ibn-La’AhadHis son darim and his wife and grandchildren found refuge in Alamut after the coup he fomented Abbas Sofian. Altaïr stayed in the fortress for almost twenty years, during which time he made significant discoveries and perfected a number of inventions thanks to the knowledge he acquired with the apple of eden.[3]
Eventually, Altaïr discovered the remains of the Temple of the First Civilization,[2]
and took away six memorial seals that would become those key let open library located under the fortress of Masyaf.[4]In 1256, Alamut fell into the hands of the Mongol invaders and its famous library was burned down on the orders of Ata-Malik Juwayni, a servant of the Mongol court.
In the eighteenthe Century, the Assassin Edward Kenway visited the ruins of the fortress during his search for First Civilization sites.[5]