343 Industries announces that Season 3 of Halo infinity called echoes inside will be released on March 7th! A preview presentation will take place this Sunday, February 26 at 6pm French time on the channel Pull out gloriole officially. And as for the content of this new season, here are the details:
- Un Battle Pass 100 Tier
- A new Fracture event
- Core Mirage IIC armor
- Core Chimera Breach armor
- The Abyss Map
- The Cliffhanger Map
- The Oasis Map
- A remake of the Plaza card (halo 5) sous Forge
- Two new multiplayer modes: VIP and Escalation
- New story events
- New sandbox items: M392 Bandit and Shroud Screen
- New properties
- Ergonomic and technical improvements
- The arrival of ray tracing in multiplayer
Notable additions for a Halo Infinite looking for a second wind. Accompanying this is the new launch trailer for Season 3!