Square Enix is ​​disappointed in Marvel’s Avengers


Square Enix is ​​disappointed in Marvel’s Avengers

Avengers, Disappointed, Enix, Marvels, Square

It is true that Marvel’s Avengers did not hit the market with good results, the expectations were very high, but the players could not connect with a product that did not fulfill all the promises. It is true that the game starts out great for its first hour, but later the game felt like it was done in a hurry, the same thing happened with the whole multiplayer PVE part.

Square Enix while still confident in Marvel’s Avengers, but rrecognize clearly that in a way the game is a bummer given the high expectations they had of a brand like Marvel’s Avengers and its poor reception. It’s true that the game has remained active so far and even its arrival on Xbox Game Pass has been well received by gamers, but even with all of that, it looks like it’s still a long way from what the Japanese company expected. .

Marvel’s Avengers disappointment

It was a very ambitious title for us because we adopted the Game as a Service (GaaS) model. We had to face a series of unexpected difficulties. Events in late stages of development, including the need to move to remote work due to the pandemic. We were able to overcome these challenges and bring the game to market, but unfortunately it didn’t have the success we would have liked.

Adopting the GaaS model has highlighted issues that we will likely still have to address in the future, such as the need to select projects that suit the tastes and needs of players and development teams. Although the new challenge we face with this title produced a disappointing result, we are convinced that the GaaS approach will give the game the opportunity to develop in the best way. With this approach, new experiences can always be created by incorporating answers to community questions into the design. These questions are a key factor that we will need to answer in the future.

If you want to learn more about Marvel’s Avengers for Xbox and Xbox Game Pass, you can read our full review through the following link.

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