Star Ocean: Divine Force from tri-Ace has received further advancements in the form of a trailer for Helen there Albaird Bergholm. The first is the first officer of Raymondwhile the second is the childhood friend and bodyguard of Laeticia. That is, both are related to those who will be the protagonists of the game.
Helen was on board the Ydas when it was attacked and yet it survived its destruction. Contrary to Raymond, she is much more stable and calm and respects his leadership. However, she is not very excited about the idea of wandering around the planet of Laeticia.
As for Albaird, he is a knight of the kingdom of Aucerius. He has a chakram and is an expert in semiomancy. Despite the mysterious character of his left arm, he is extremely faithful to Laeticia and he is always at his side demonstrating his faithfulness. Although at first he seemed to escape the influence of Raymond and his crew, Albaird it will apparently gradually get closer over time.
Star Ocean: Divine Force It releases October 27 on Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, PS4, PS5, and PC. What will the new work of Square-Enix?, keep reading Zone Xbox and we’ll let you know.
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