We can’t end the week without first dedicating our space to the top performers in the house. As you know, in this section we take advantage of weekly offers so that MLGMakun tell us what games we can use to keep increasing our achievements. Now yes, let’s go.
We start our list by talking about Squad Killer, an arcade game whose duration does not exceed one hour of play. It is also at a price of less than 2 dollars. On the other hand we have house of murdera horror classic with which you can get all your games after 1 or 2 hours of play. We now continue with Bright memorya title with a fantastic graphic section that will take us between two and three hours to overcome.
Next on our list is Pyramid Questan adventure that we will overcome after three or four hours of play. Doing a little jump we meet Shadow Warrior 3. An action classic that will take us between six and eight hours to reach the coveted 1000G. Now yes, to complete this brief list, we have spiritual roots
With all this we end this text, however, we leave you with the video of MLGMakun, where you have all remaining offers.
Psychologist who enjoys cooperative games, RPGs and shooting anything that moves.