The highly anticipated game Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League from Rocksteady, known for its Batman Arkham trilogy, introduced a unique mechanic. If players do not follow mission orders, Task Force leader Amanda Waller will make your character’s head explodeoffering a surprising and authentic consequence to keep players engaged.
The discovery of this unique mechanic occurred during a broadcast of the game, where the player has strayed too far from his team. After an ominous countdown, Captain Boomerang’s head was blown off by a bomb, an accurate representation of how Waller controls Task Force X in the game world.
Unique consequences
This unique touch not only adds a layer of authenticity to the DC Comics property, but also provides a creative way to approach the challenge of following mission orders in a live-action looting game, keeping players on their toes and engaged in the game.
More details on Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League and its DC Elseworlds approach will be revealed in the next episode of the Insider series, scheduled for January 22. The game is scheduled for release on February 2 on PS5, Xbox Series X/S and PC.
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